This past weekend, I waved goodbye to my mother for another year, while she boarded her flight back home. As I walked across the airport parking lot, tears filled my eyes and a feeling of great sadness overcame me. I sat in my car for a few moments and cried, then finally pulled myself together and started the drive home. We had just spent an amazing week together filled with fun, laughter and lots of love. Still, I was sad to see her leave.
Driving home, I thought about how much my mother means to me and how blessed I am to still have a parent alive to spend time with.
When I was very little, my parents were everything to me. They represented safety, and I didn't want to leave their side. I relied on them for all my needs, and they gave me everything.
As I grew, it seemed that my friends, boyfriends and social interactions took the front seat as the most important things in my life. A typical teenager, I felt my parents had too many rules to follow and that they were restricting my freedom. I was mature enough to handle the world myself, or so I thought. If only I knew then what I know now. They were doing what parents are meant to do, their job of keeping me safe.
As we all eventually do, I moved out, moved on and began my own life. My mom and dad were still there to help, offering love, support, drives, babysitting and, many times, an open wallet.
Eventually, I became an independent adult. This is life, this is growing.
Although not everything my parents did or said may have been perfect, they raised me the best they could and they did their job well.
As fate had it, my wonderful father passed away far too soon for me. I miss him every day and hope that he knows how much I loved him. He was a wonderful man.
My mom moved to another province and our visits are now a once-yearly only celebration. I wish she lived closer.
On the drive home, I started thinking about my family and how important they all are to me. Life is unpredictable and in the blink of an eye, things can change for anyone, not just our elderly parents.
I want to tell those I care about that I love them, because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. I love them all unconditionally.
As much time as I can spend with my family, I will, as I know, I will never get the gift of this day back. None of us will.
It is not our job to make everyone around us happy. But if what we do or say today has even the smallest positive impact on another family member's life, today is the day to say it. Life is too short. Spending as much time with those I love and being happy is at the top of my to-do list for the rest of my life. However long that may be.
Imagine what a beautiful world it would be if we lived each day as if it were our last.
Above all... Family is everything! ♥❤