This year marked a milestone birthday for me. At the beginning of 2022, I made a promise to start things that I had been wanting to try, and continue working on the things I had begun but never finished.
I decided to stop worrying about what others might think of me and of what I did. How I feel about the choices I make for my own life is what truly matters.
I incorporated some healthy lifestyle choices into my routine. I joined a gym and started working out three times a week. I also started swimming laps at an indoor pool.
My love of journaling continued and I was pretty successful at writing daily. I focused on finding gratitude in the small things in my life that made me happy.
I listened daily to one of the motivational podcasts I subscribe to, and enjoyed many new books that had been on my reading list. As much as I love a good fiction novel, I really enjoyed reading books that were motivational or educational.
I started watercolor painting, and I finally got the short haircut I had been too nervous to try. I chose to spend as much time as I could with people who have a positive attitude and bring joy to my life.
I also dedicated many hours to a project I began years ago and am excited about continuing working on writing a novel of my own.
I started this blog in January and I am happy with the posts I have published over the past twelve months. Two people inspired a couple of blog posts and I would not be where I am today without their strength, perseverance and love. Thank you mom and dad.
l have learned not to be afraid to try new things. I may not achieve exactly what I wanted on the first try, but this does not mean I failed. There is always a second, third or even fourth time to try again. Life is a journey to be experienced. Fear was keeping me from trying new things, and the funny thing is, the bad things I imagined would happen never did.
My achievements this year took a lot of hard work and dedication, and a great deal of belief that I could do them. Where I want to be and what I see for my future can only happen if I take the first step. I would rather try than always be thinking what if.
Above all... I know the universe has wonderful things in store for me for this coming year.. Farewell 2022, and welcome to new year 2023!